Boyfriend review

Tuesday is review day. Usually books. Sometimes a film. Today, is a special day for someone in my life. So, today I shall share a little about someone known as ‘the bf’.

This is what my boyfriend's FLATMATE looks like (or so he likes to think). I don't have a celeb look alike for the bf source:
This is what my boyfriend’s FLATMATE looks like (or so he likes to think). I don’t have a celeb look alike for the bf

The BF and I have been together a little over 6 months, and today marks his birthday. He’s pretty awesome as far as a blogger’s bf could go, cause he’s work in search engine wizardry (not that I actually understand any of it!). So he’s constantly enlightening me on the greater intricacies of the world wild (opps, wide!) web. And there’s nothing I can teach him either, it would seem!

So, as this blog is about my listing, I shall list the great things about my bf!

  • he is a nerd monster (which is just awesome when you make a Facebook account for your blog and it’s a ‘person’ instead of a ‘page’!)
  • he makes the bed (cause he’s ALWAYS out of bed after me, sometimes by HOURS!)
  • he drives the nicest car (and! let’s me drive it too)
  • he’s uber uber into cuddling
  • he’s always warm, which is particularly good for this cold cat as the temperatures drop here in Australia
  • he curbed his ice cream addiction whilst I knuckled down for a no sugar commitment in Lent
  • he helps me with that bottle of red wine
  • he taught me how to copy and paste of my HTC phone…. here I was thinking it wasn’t possible
  • he’s mastered toilet seat down, next stop the lid right?
  • he doesn’t often say ‘yes’ when I ask ‘should I stop talking’ late in the night
  • he can tell in the middle of the night if something’s not right (like I’m unwell), from when I’m fine
  • he’ll let me order a SECOND cheese and garlic pizza, and that be dinner 😀
  • he can untangle necklaces like a demon
  • he’s got big muscles (seriously, not just man muscles, but buff, breaking out of his t shirt style), and can open those tightly shut lids
  • he’ll try anything I cook/bake – basically my thinly veiled attempts to get us both to eat more vegetables!
  • he has an awesome sense of humour, well… some of it is very well worn humour!
  • he comes along to weddings and the like; for people he’s never even met, just so I have company
  • he knows that when I say no to a drink or food, that what I really mean is ‘no, but I’ll have some of yours’
  • after only a few weeks dating, I shaved my head, and he stuck around (but does wish it’d grow a little faster, as do I!)
  • he pretty darn communicative (for a boy) which means anything can be talked out
  • he knows my current favourite song, and will leave it on the radio (as his eyes may or may not start to bleed!)

We also have some nice similarities

  • he has the same size feet as me (this helps HIM know his size in womens, mens, and European!)
  • same sort of upbringing – socially, educationally etc
  • both have the similar attitudes to money (ie he vetoes the idea of a $36,000 wrapping room EVER!)

Now a review usually comes with a recommendation, so I would highly recommend my boyfriend, however, there’s only one of him.  Oh and any good review should balance the good with the bad, but there’s no point in raining on this little parade of birthday love! Overall, I’d like to say, he’s pretty awesome :p