Sometimes saving money is as simple as just not spending it, rather than spending less or finding a cheaper way. There’s a number of things I notice others do, and think ‘wow, imagine how much money I’d spend if I did that/bought those?’ These things are

- magazines: I never ever buy them. That’s not to say I wouldn’t LOVE to know what Kim Kardashian has done now, or the latest decorating trends. I just can’t justify the $5-$10 for the drivel and paid advertising. And then the ‘waste’ (even if it is all recycling). Best I send the publishers a message by not buying them. There’s always the library.
- books: Whilst I have no philosophical opposition to the purchase of books, I can’t handle the clutter they create. I’d rather borrow books from family, friends or a library, and keep my collection concise.
- hair colour: I’m ‘only’ 28, but I’ve never felt the need to colour my hair. Not that I have the best natural shade, but it’s what God gave me, and it’s not too shabby! However, until recently I also didn’t spend much money on… (Thanks to Simply Living Free for the link to My Journey to Ithaca who has so many well articulated reasons that I couldn’t agree with more)

- hair cuts: up until a month ago, I would not cut my hair until I could no longer brush it – when the split ends had taken over! However, since I shaved my head (which was done for free by a friend – and raised close to $5k), I have decided to enlist a professional to help me grow it out with style. I’m not sure the Bart Simpson look is what I want!
- cleaning products: I planned to move into my own home and only use green products – which means I’ve never owned oven cleaner, window spray, toliet cleaner, floor cleaner, surface spray etc etc. I do however have dishwashing liquid, vinegar, bicarb soda, soap and washing soda. Oh and a plethora of microfibre cloths.
- phone plan: I’ve always bought my phones outright, and then selected my credit in the form of a prepaid or postpaid plan. This gives me flexibility, and prepaid really helps manage costs – particularly when you add global roaming! I’m yet to get a ‘scary’ bill, and I wear that with a badge of honour!
- internet: I don’t have ‘internet’ at home. I use my phone for all my browsing. Given I have internet at work, my parents and my boyfriends, I like the mental quietness of only having the internet on my small phone. And given it’s a smart phone, there’s pretty much nothing it can’t do!
- smoking: I have never smoked (except in a VERY realistic dream!). I haven’t even experimented with any drugs, so this is one clear way I’ve avoided a black hole of costs!
- gambling: I never buy a scratchie, lottery ticket or anything similar. I even (try to) avoid being in the sweeps for ‘the race that stops a nation’ – the Melbourne Cup.
What things do you do without to save money?