Sorry to more regular readers – I did travel for three weeks, to four countries (Russia, Romania, Turkey and Bosnia), but I seem to blog in fits and spurts, and the part three weeks took my attention away from the blog. I have spent time drafting posts for the remaining two countries, and all my thoughts, photos and experiences. The retrospective review of my photos has been wonderful, and I would happily have bombarded you with more!
There’s a lot to be said of travelling one English speaking nations. But perhaps with that there’s less independent discovery moments of “aha”. But without the language barriers means everything is understood.

The difficulties of language barriers – getting lost. Not understanding the systems of buses or trains. Not being able to negotiate for a taxi fare. And being a tourist comes with a lot of time on your feet and the exhaustion that comes from the physicality of that as well as the mental hurdles and challenges.
Not having wifi or internet access can really leave you clueless – on where that bus might run. On how to get between two point as maps sometimes seem to omit naming streets (or alternatively, the street has no signage!)
Weather is a huge consideration. I feel like convention is to take a holiday to the warm, but I’m coming to find that I like cooler temps have spent two trips in the US between Jan and March. I’ve “last minuted” to snowy Germany for Christmas and a side trip to Amsterdam. It was cold, but not unbearable. Though I didn’t line up for Anne Frank’s house due to the cold so there’s some downsides.
Alternatively, some parts of the world in July are extreme in their heat: Japan, Moscow (more so than northern St Petersburg), Romania. And then some places are possibly sweat boxes year round: Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.
Don’t be sorry to regular readers – the more blogs the better 🙂 I love reading your insights as a seasoned traveller. And I’ve loved the photos so far. It’s quite possible I wouldn’t have jumped to the chance of my forthcoming work travel without the impetus of reading your blog!
I’m a bit in two minds about the language thing. Do you think you miss a lot of the culture when you can’t overhear conversations or ask questions? And it is undeniably a lot more unsettling when things go awry and there’s the language barrier to contend with. I’m not sure I’d want to take on the challenge of a totally non-English speaking country! Very adventurous though and you must feel a sense of achievement.
Alternate weather systems can be fun and out of the ordinary – within limits! Not sure at all about doing a ‘double winter’ by going to France in 6 more weeks O_O !!
Oh Fiona – what a big responsibility – to have gudied you towards your trip to France. Though I would NEVER suggested anyone not go to France, and you most certainly should be there for the opportunity!!
I feel like not having language skills means you have to be hyper aware to everything else. Like blind people have better hearing, when you don’t have the language, you use gestures or icons, and you start to learn new words sometimes!! I think I’m starting to see the value in a guide, for someone human who can answer the questions you come up with after some time grappling without the native language.
French weathers are mild enough, and I feel like their buildings and homes are well equipped with glazing and heating, so I hope you won’t find another winter too bad!