This is a ‘live’ post where I update my goals, changes, and plans. I hope you enjoy the links I add!
Last year, I set goals in a number of different categories of life, and tracked them almost every month with another post. I think I’ll continue with this idea in the coming year too, but naturally, the goal posts will adjust to suit the things I learnt!
Hold onto your hats everyone, there’s a lot in this post. I find monthly tracking helps me to achieve things, so that’s why there’s so much laid out here, ambitious as it may seems.
Fun – 12 in 2 list
I’ll start with the ‘nice’ stuff – which I’ve posted about previously, as my 12 in 2 goals – 12 things I want to do in 2 years, and most of them are ‘bucket list’ style items.
For 2014, I’ll do the following (some of which I did earmark to do in 2013, but it didn’t happen):
- Silent retreat – some time after the half marathon in July (cause you can’t run at these 10 day retreats)
Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb– I got a voucher as a birthday gift in January 2014!!!Go jet skiing (done over the Christmas holidays)- Learn to surf
Dinner at Aria: planned for early FebruaryRead the new testament bibleDone in SeptemberRun a half marathon– could do it at the Gold Coast in July (it’s a super flat course), already booked the flights- Plan and prepay my funeral – cough cough, not so fun
Zorbing (a weekend away at the Gold Coast)The place went out of business…
Health – monthly challenges

As I mentioned in late November, I will look at creating ‘get healthy’ monthly challenges of better healthier habits. I started earlier than the new year cause I felt the need to lose some weight, and the Christmas season is as good a time to start as any.
Each month I’ll dedicate one post to introducing the challenge (and encouraging others to join in), a post or two on my progress and a post to wrap up the challenge and the success or failure. Here’s my rough plan, subject to change:
Jan: Stair challenge start, progress, end
Feb: Drink 3L water per day: start
Mar: Squats and abandoned 🙁
Apr: Push up challenge – increase the number everyday
May: Morning stretching/yoga
Jun: Planking challenge
Jul: Mental health: daily act of kindness
Aug: Mental health: daily gratitude journal
Sept: 1 internet free day per week
Oct: Ocsober
Nov: Coffee free challenge
Dec: +1 walking
I’ve been slowly trying to start Jan & Feb’s goals in December, but each month I will commit to doing it every day!
Financial goals

This is one category I always kick a** at! So, for 2014, I will:
1. Save $20,000 in my mortgage offset account (in addition to the starting balance) as of mid Sepetmber, met this, and aimed higher (hopefully anotehr $15k by year end)
2. Save $200 a week in for holidays yep, it’s all automated
3. Save $10 $20 a week for my ‘one day’ dream of a first class holiday to Paris and NYC (First class flights and accommodation). I plan to spend 20 years saving slowly for this one. $20 per week, cause why not!
4. Save $100 a week for ‘charity’ which I will also withdraw from when I do support fundraising etc. automated too my friend!
This is in addition to savings plans that already tick over weekly for bills and health insurance, and a weekly contribution to the church.
Plan a dinner party or similar once a quarter. Started with a pizza night for polo girl in Jan 🙂 Easy and fun. Excess cheese? Informal wine and cheese Sunday arvo. 2 down, 3 to go! 3 down, 1 to go – another polo dinner of Nachoes. Tempted to do something for Halloween..n

Email my brother at least weekly whilst he’s in South America (until Sept 2014)
Ekk, seeing I didn’t submit my 16 x 700 words long episode reports in 2013, this goal will role over.
I will also start to think more (again) about the next step in my career. Whilst I wasn’t thinking about it, someone was, and I’ve been acting in a promotion of a role for a few months. And I’ll apply for the position when it’s advertised
Keeping it Creative
I’ve realised that I like to create things, like my gingerbread house, or the candy cane wreath. I really enjoy mending clothes, or sewing. I even made a map of the world with stamps! So I’m going to try and do more of these sorts of things. One crafty thing per month. Pinterest and blogs will guide me, I hope.
I’ve covered my router with a hard cover book; made earphone holders out of old plastic cards; cross stitched a baby’s blanket…
Great goals. Love the first class "one day" trip. And your healthy living goals will set you up to feel so much, well, healthier.
But prepaying a funeral in Fun Goals? Unless you mean it will/may provide a laugh for your friends? Or are you planning a theme funeral or a big wake? So fun for others?
I suppose you're right, the 'fun' goals label didn't entirely fit everything listed! It isn't fun at all, but it'll be fun choosing perhaps (like a wedding, only sombre?). I jest, I just want to have that part of things tidied up for some morose reason. Maybe too many funeral insurance ads?
I like the spread of goals and all the different areas. Running a half marathon sounds incredibly hard, but something that would be GREAT to look back on when you are old (like me!) I did your December walking challenge – not perfectly, but good enough! – and managed to drop down one size in clothes – absolutely delighted! It will be great fun to have the other health challenges running in 2014!
BY far the half marathon goal is the biggest stretch for me! I am thinking I'll aim to do the Gold Coast half marathon (it's a legendary flat course and professionally run etc). It's in July and I know when their 'running program' is released and when to start it, so in the meantime I will try to keep my fitness up.
I'm so proud you dropped a dress size – just in time for the sales! I don't think I saw any changes in my figure, but I was front loading a lot of cake leading up to the holidays! I've decided this Jan (until my birthday on the 30th), I shall abstain for any sweets. If only there wasn't a block of Dairy Milk stalking me!
Sarah, how I wish I could join in on your heath posts. I miss being able to workout the way I used to, hiking is what I miss the most though. Starting on a diet during Christmas shows you have more willpower than most. My meals were all healthy during the holidays and only one bar of chocolate showed up, no cookies so while I need to continue to lose weight, there is no added gain to need to lose.
Happy New Year, Sarah.
Interestingly Lois, the thought of a hike doesn't appeal to me – I think I'm an urban gal through and through! The only thing is, I hate when I'm too hot or too cold, which seems to happen more and more. I need to harden up a little I think!
Congratulations on such a healthy Christmas season. We don't have a huge cookie tradition here, but there were many cakes at work in the lead up to the holidays, and very tempting melting moments made by my BF's mother!
And I hate being in urban areas, I'm always looking to escape. 🙂 How did things go meeting your BF's family?
Ah we are such opposites! Keeps things interesting.
Meeting the family was great – I was most scared of meeting his sister, but things went swimmingly (she was only there for about 36 hours!). I hardly saw his brother, and I'd already met and liked his mother. So all's well!
Gosh… I think I'd be overjoyed if I accomplished even one of the things on your list! My goal for 2014 is to sleep more (or at least sleep earlier!)
Oh thanks EcoCatLady – I do aim high! I'd like to sleep more too, but I wonder if I can fit all this in, and work etc, and manage it. I'll certainly try – I'm a much nicer person with enough sleep.
Great goals! For me the dinner party one would be the scariest lol! Good luck and Happy 2014 🙂
Thanks Laura – I know you empathise with my entertaining anxiety – hopefully with enough planning and doing it more often, I might get over it. I do love to plan a menu, and have a relaxed time in my own home with great friends, so we'll see how things pan out.
What, you don't surf? That's like a Canadian not canoeing, LOL! Your health challenges sound very strenuous, but motivating! I have no doubt that you will reach your financial goals. The NYC/Paris goal is mighty and worth striving for. Happy New Year, Sarah!
Hahaha – nope, I don't surf – but I will soon! Is canoeing hard to do? We did it when we went on school camp. Sounds like they should have been teaching us to surf instead!
Happy New Year to you too!
No, canoeing isn't hard, but I never learned to kayak!
Wow aim high and meet those goals. I am impressed. Happy New Year.
Thanks Suzan – I hope you have a great new year too.
I love your goals! Looking forward to your updates on the monthly health challenges. I might join in on a few. Happy New Year!
Thanks – there's a lot in there, but that's how I like it – helps me focus my energies on different areas. I look forward to having you join in on the challenges where you can.
I like the idea of monthly fitness challenges – helps keep it fresh! Good luck with all of these 🙂 It reminds me that I need to finalize my own!
It's better than a new year resolution in some ways, every month I have something new to try and stick to. i look forward to what your goals are!
I love the idea of monthly challenges and will probably join you on a few of them 🙂 Hosting dinner parties sounds great too – I hardly ever do that and should do it more!
Thanks for some inspiration for my own goals (although I don't know if I can handle that many!)
It'd be great to have people come along for the ride – it helps me keep accountable too!
I think it'd be great for you to have even informal dinner parties, given how much you enjoy cooking (and it'll give you some blog content too).
Oh yeah, I went overboard with the goals, I know!